Design systems have become essential for creating cohesive and consistent digital experiences in recent years. A design system is a set of standards, guidelines, and components that define a product’s visual language and behavior. It helps designers and developers maintain consistency, efficiency, and scalability when creating new features and products. However, design systems are only as effective as how they are used. This article will explore three essential principles to get the most out of your design system:

Consume, Respect, and Contribute.


The first step in using a design system is understanding its components and how they work together. As a designer or developer, you must take the time to learn the system’s principles, patterns, and guidelines to create a consistent and cohesive product. It would be best to start by studying the system’s documentation and style guide and exploring the available components and templates. Use the design system as a reference when creating new features and products, and aim to align your work with its principles and patterns. By consuming the design system, you can save time, increase consistency, and ensure that your work is aligned with the product’s vision.


Design systems are not rigid rules that must be followed blindly. They are guidelines that reflect the product’s vision and goals. Therefore, respecting the design system’s principles is essential while maintaining the flexibility to innovate and experiment. Respect means you should use the design system as a starting point for your work, not as a constraint. When applying the system’s components and patterns, you should consider the context and user needs. If the design system does not offer a solution for a specific problem, you should communicate with the design system team to explore alternative solutions. By respecting the design system, you can ensure that your work aligns with the product’s vision while maintaining the flexibility to innovate.


A design system is not a static entity; it’s a living system that evolves with the product and its users’ needs. Therefore, it’s essential to contribute to the design system actively. Contribution means that you should collaborate with the design system team to improve and expand the system’s components and guidelines. You should provide feedback, report issues, and suggest new components and patterns that align with the product’s vision. By contributing to the design system, you can help to ensure its effectiveness and scalability.

Remember, the design system itself is a product – we, as the consumers with the mindset of a product designer, are in the best position to give feedback and help to improve this ‘product.’

In conclusion, design systems are crucial for creating cohesive and consistent digital experiences. To get the most out of your design system, you should consume its components and guidelines and respect its principles while maintaining the flexibility to innovate and contribute actively to its improvement and expansion. By following these principles, you can create products that align with the product’s vision, save time and effort, and improve the user experience.